

Warm up:

Dynamic warm up

3 sets- 5 Push Ups, 10 Squats, 15 Sit Ups

2 sets of 5 KB Swings & 10 Sit Ups

WOD: “Deck of Cards”- working in teams

Goal is to go through entire deck as quickly as possible.  Team starts with an 800m Run.  When all team members return, then team can begin to go through deck of cards.

Clubs- Squats

Hearts- Burpees

Diamonds- Sit Ups

Spades- KB Swings (53/35)

Number on the card indicates reps.  Face cards are 11 reps, and Aces are 12 reps.  Jokers are 400m Run.

All teammates must complete reps before next card is revealed.